It is Vital to Know Manners Before Knowledge: The Importance of Etiquette in Education


In the pursuit of education and knowledge, it is easy to overlook the significance of manners and etiquette. While acquiring knowledge is undoubtedly essential, understanding and practicing good manners are equally crucial. Manners provide the foundation for positive interactions, fostering an atmosphere of respect, empathy, and collaboration. In this article, we will explore why it is essential to know manners before knowledge and how they contribute to personal growth, social cohesion, and overall success.

1. Respectful Interactions:

Manners play a fundamental role in facilitating respectful interactions between individuals. Politeness, empathy, and consideration for others create an environment that encourages effective communication and collaboration. When individuals possess a strong understanding of manners, they are more likely to listen attentively, express their thoughts respectfully, and engage in constructive dialogue. These qualities not only enhance learning experiences but also promote harmonious relationships among students, teachers, and colleagues.

2. Social Integration:

Manners serve as the bridge that connects individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures. In an increasingly globalized world, knowing how to interact with people from different walks of life is essential. By understanding manners, individuals can navigate unfamiliar social situations with ease and demonstrate cultural sensitivity. Embracing diversity and inclusivity through proper etiquette fosters an environment of acceptance, enabling everyone to feel valued and included.

3. Positive Influence and Leadership:

Etiquette and manners contribute significantly to an individual’s personal and professional growth. They form the basis of one’s character and reflect their values, integrity, and self-discipline. Demonstrating good manners not only earns respect from others but also cultivates trust, credibility, and positive influence. Those who exhibit strong manners are often seen as natural leaders, capable of guiding and inspiring others. In educational settings, individuals with exemplary manners tend to excel not only academically but also in extracurricular activities, team projects, and future career prospects.

4. Enhanced Communication Skills:

Effective communication is a cornerstone of success in various aspects of life. Manners are closely intertwined with communication skills, as they govern how individuals express themselves, interpret others’ messages, and navigate social cues. Knowing the appropriate manners in different situations helps individuals articulate their thoughts clearly and concisely, leading to better comprehension and reduced misunderstandings. Strong communication skills cultivated through the practice of good manners enable individuals to excel in interviews, public speaking, presentations, and collaborative projects.

5. Professionalism and Career Advancement:

The professional world places great emphasis on manners and professional etiquette. Employers seek individuals who not only possess relevant knowledge and skills but also exhibit professionalism and good manners. A well-mannered individual demonstrates integrity, respect, and adaptability, qualities that are highly sought after in the workplace. From job interviews to client meetings, networking events, and workplace interactions, good manners play a vital role in leaving a positive impression and building lasting professional relationships.


While knowledge and expertise are undoubtedly important, it is equally essential to understand and practice good manners. Manners serve as the foundation for respectful interactions, social integration, positive influence, enhanced communication skills, and professional success. By prioritizing manners alongside knowledge, individuals can cultivate a well-rounded character that not only contributes to personal growth but also fosters a harmonious and inclusive environment for all. So, let us remember to value and nurture good manners as we continue our journey of acquiring knowledge.

মোঃ শফিকুল ইসলাম প্রিয়

এই প্রকাশনাটির সর্বস্বত্ত লেখক কর্তৃক সংরক্ষিত। এই প্রকাশনার আংশিক বা সম্পুণাংশ অন্য যেকোন মিডিয়াতে লেখকের নামে ছাড়া অন্য কারও নামে প্রকাশ করা কপিরাইট আইন এ দন্ডনীয় অপরাধ হিসাবে গন্য হবে।...

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